The proposal is "to bring to the stage the conflicts and characters that don’t appear in the Brazilian soap operas, a Brazil far beyond samba and football," according to curators Marcia Zanelatto and Rogerio Correa. 
Will Jarvis played a Bishop in a play called Mandatory Marriage, written by Candida Sastre, directed by Andre Pink and starring myself, Pedro Casarin, Bryan Carvalho, Michael Davies and Annie Brett: 'Two gay men face a bizarre situation: after a one-night stand, they are forced to marry.'
The project is being carried out as a co-operative scheme. The artists have formed a group, the Brazil Diversity Collective, and are financing their creations from their own resources. “This show has two main objectives: to break the stereotypes of how people from sexual and gender minorities are portrayed on stage and how Brazil is seen in the UK.” says the playwright and project’s co-curator Rogerio Correa, a Brazilian based in London.
Brazil Diversity - LGBT+ short plays

The show features 8 short plays that reveal a Brazil far beyond samba and football.

10th and 11th June 2018 at 7:30 p.m.
503 Battersea Road, London SW11 3BW
Tel: 020 7978 7040
You can follow the show @brazildiversity


Inscription in the Sand, by Mila Teixeira
A young woman of the 60s, although married and with children, cannot forget her beloved girlfriend. 
Director: Marcia Zanelatto
Actor: Fernanda Mandagará

Genderless - an outlaw body, by Marcia Zanelatto
A person gains the legal right not to be a man or a woman. In honour to Norrie May-Welby. 
Director: Chryssanthi Kouri
Actor: Najla Andrade & Annie Brett

Mandatory Marriage, by Candida Sastre
Two gay men face a bizarre situation: after a one-night stand, they are forced to marry.
Director: Andre Pink 
Actors: Pedro Casarin, Bryan Carvalho, Will Jarvis, Michael Davies and Annie Brett

Homo Phobia, by Rogerio Correa
A homophobe’s mental balance crumbles when a gay man kisses him on the lips just before being killed by him.
Director: Pedro de Senna
Dramaturge: John Jack Patterson
Actors: Will McGeough & Bryan Carvalho 

Dona Irene, by Luis Benkard 
A man who doesn’t consider himself prejudiced loses sleep when he discovers a secret love affair between two old ladies.
Director: Aydan Wilder 
Actor: Peter Losasso 

Ofelia, the Fat Transsexual, by Helena Vieira
An overweight trans woman makes us confront our cruder prejudices about other people’s bodies.
Director: Emma Frankland 
Actor: Mzz Kimberley

Venus Flytrap, by Jo Bilac
A flower speaks to the human race in the name of the diversity that reigns in nature.
Director: Victor Esses
Actor: Jonny Woo 

Majestic Pink Dream, by Caio Riscado
By stripping off his princess costume, a young man finds in his own body the mystery of being. 
Director: Luis Benkard 
Actor: Almiro Andrade 

Sets: Luis Benkard and Bashar Ali
Costumes: Laura Arantes
Graphic Designer: Daniel de Jesus 
Photos: Ana Pepino
Video: Aydan Wilder 
Social Media: Juliana Mattar
Produced and created by Brazil Diversity Collective
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