Indie short-film currently in development. Available to view on IMBd. Shooting November 2023.
"Nestled inside a broom closet of a quiet hospital, Jack musters the courage to leave a heartfelt voice note to an old friend. Blurring the lines between the past and the present, the film tenderly navigates the turbulent waters between the comforting glow of nostalgia and the unyielding light of present reality."
“Aortic” seeks to delve into the subtle nuances of nostalgia and our relationship with time. Through Jack, we explore a cherished past, agnosising present and unknown future as he struggles on a painful path towards self-acceptance. The choice of a quiet hospital as the setting augments the stark contrast between the comforting embrace of nostalgia and Jack’s cold, unyielding post-surgery reality. Physical pain is often a stark reminder of the present moment. Through “Aortic,” I hope to encourage the audience to reflect on their own journey of acceptance, coming to terms with the uncertain unfolding of the future. This film is an ode to the oscillation between good and bad moments in life and the quiet, often lonely, courage that resides within everyone to keep moving forwards.

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